Student Union 從關注自我到服務他人,在學生會中成長
The Student Union at CEP serves as both a platform for self-service, self-management, and personal growth and a key venue for developing leadership and social skills. Students gain invaluable experience in team management, event organization, and communication—assets crucial for their future.
This stage is critical for junior high students transitioning from dependence to independence, where self-management skills are still developing. We encourage all capable and passionate students to join the Student Union, where they can learn to manage themselves, serve others, and develop essential skills for personal growth and future success.
一批又一批的學生在這個團體里生長成長,走向更廣闊的舞臺。隨著季節(jié)的更迭,學生會也會迎來新的成員。在秋天的尾聲和冬天的序曲之間,學生會都會進行一年一度的納新競選活動,為更多的學生提供展示自己、服務他人的機會。Students grow and thrive within this community, moving on to broader stages. As the seasons change, the Student Union welcomes new members. Between the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the Student Union holds its annual recruitment and election activities, providing more students with opportunities to showcase themselves and serve others.
01精進自己,服務他人Refine Yourself, Serve Others
這是一個充滿活力和挑戰(zhàn)的時刻,每一位勇敢站出來的小衛(wèi)士都將站在競選的舞臺上,雖然心中可能有些緊張,但他們展現出的是自信和大方。This is an energizing and challenging time for each brave little defender who will stand on the campaign stage, and though there may be some nervousness in their hearts, they show confidence and generosity.
02過程,就是收獲The process is the reward.
在競選過程中,他們不僅要向同學們發(fā)出自己的宣言,更要展示自己的能力和決心。他們明白,精進自己、服務他人的過程本身就是一種收獲。通過這樣的經歷,他們將學會如何更好地與他人合作,如何更有效地解決問題,以及如何在團隊中發(fā)揮領導作用。這些經歷將成為他們寶貴的財富,伴隨他們成長,幫助他們在未來的學習和生活中取得成功。During the election process, they must not only make their own declaration to their classmates, but also demonstrate their ability and determination. They understand that the process of refining themselves and serving others is a reward in itself. Through these experiences, they will learn how to work better with others, how to solve problems more effectively, and how to lead a team. These experiences become valuable assets that will grow with them and help them succeed in their future studies and in life.
聯系人:歐陽老師 手機:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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