SAT,全稱Scholastic Assessment Test,中文名稱為學術(shù)能力評估測試。由美國大學委員會(College Board)主辦,SAT成績是世界各國高中生申請美國名校學習及獎學金的重要參考。下面就給大家介紹一下SAT閱讀真題。
Questions 6-9 are based on the following passages.
Passage 1
The world has always been a large place, but in somesenses it has become much smaller than it was. As recently s the late nineteenth century, the great science fiction
writer Jules Verne wrote the then-unbelievable novel
Around the World in Eighty Days. Today we can physically (line 5)
circumnavigate the world in one day and electronically
orbit the planet in just eight seconds. A truly global
outlook is feasible now because of recent developments
in transportation and communications. People all over the
world have enthusiastically adopted these innovations to (line 10)
reach out and touch others, both physically and
electronically, around the globe.
Passage 2
Our world, seemingly global, is in reality a planet
of thousands of the most varied and never intersecting
provinces. A trip around the world is a journey from (line 15)
backwater to backwater, each of which considers itself, in
its isolation, a shining star. For most people, the real world
ends on the threshold of their house, at the edge of their
village, or, at the very most, on the border of their valley.
That which is beyond is unreal, unimportant, and even (line 20)
useless, whereas that which we have at our fingertips,
in our field of vision, expands until it seems an entire
universe, overshadowing all else.
6.The author of Passage 2 would most likely argue that the "outlook" mentioned in line 8, Passage 1, is
(A)rare except among avid readers
(B)common among residents of small towns
(C)insincere in its apparent optimism
(D)self-deluding and dangerous
(E)shared by relatively few people
7.The author of Passage 1 would most likely the attitude characterized in lines 17-23, Passage 2 ("For ... else"), as
8. The last sentence of each passage makes use of
(A)a reference to communication
(B)an image of fellowship
(C)an example of innovation
(D)a metaphor for proximity
(E)an allusion to history
9. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the two passages?
(A)They criticize similar developments.
(B)They illustrate antithetical attitudes.
(C)They have compatible agendas.
(D)They draw the same conclusion using different research methods.
(E)They both examine change in the perception of . an issue over time.
Questions 9-10 are based on the following passage.
After Ruma's father retired, he began to travel, sending
Ruma succinct, impersonal postcard accounts of the things
he had seen and done: "Yesterday the Uffizi Gallery.
Today a walk to the other side of Arno." Occasionally
there was a sentence about the weather. But there was (Line 5)
never a sense of her father's presence in those places.
It was a one-sided correspondence; his trips were brief
enough so that there was no time for Ruma to write back.
It was only in his closing that he acknowledged any
personal connection between them. "Be happy, love Baba," (Line 10)
he signed them, as if the attainment of happiness were as
simple as that.
9. The primary function of the passage is to
(A)describe a pattern of behavior
(B)identify a growing conflict
(C)portray an uncommon event
(D)condone an instance of neglect
(E)analyze a fundamental motivation
10. Lines 10-12 (" 'Be ... that") would best be characterized as a
(A)harsh judgment of a blunt command
(B)total mockery of a nostalgic sentiment
(C)straightforward reading of an ironic comment
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