今天擔任護旗手的是國際部美高課程12年級的畢業(yè)生代表,他們意氣風發(fā)、邁著整齊的步伐走向升旗臺 ,鮮艷的五星紅旗伴隨著國歌聲冉冉升起。
Time flies. Three years ago, a group of young people came to this school to pursue their own dreams and became classmates. These three years we spent together are more like an impressive journey. Everything is too wonderful for us to believe that it will ever end. However, all of sudden, the trip is about to be over, and we will be on our own ways again. I still remember that there was someone telling me that we could see all the flowers here blooming three times only. At that moment, none of us had ever thought about the sentence and the meaning behind it, but now, as June is closer to us than anytime in these three years, we deeply felt sadness brought to us by the fact that we will soon be parted.
We're about to enter colleges, the strange feeling of facing the unknown filled our brains once again just like the way it was three years ago, but I believe that we all can do better. After we leave, we may not be able to come back, yet all of us would never forget everything we went through there. It was because of the time we spent together at this place, we gained pride, courage, knowledge and a memorable youth.
Someone says, sadness belongs to the moment of parting, but I'd rather believe that it is parting which teaches us to cherish. All we need to do now is to get ready for the new journey and any challenges we may run into on our ways.
During these three years, we had our teachers always stay by our sides, offering us knowledge and meaningful experiences. Standing here, I want to appreciate all the teachers and classmates who helped us. Without them, we cannot become who we are now. To the juniors and freshmen, we hope you realise your dream as early as possible and achieve your goal with efforts one day.
Thank you.
校 園 開 放 日
活動地點: 浦東新區(qū)拱極路2151號
乘車路線: 地鐵16號線惠南站出
聯系人:歐陽老師 手機:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
來源:國際學校網 本頁網址:http://cv666.cn/ssddr/196784.html本網站所收集的部分公開資料來源于互聯網,轉載的目的在于傳遞更多信息及用于網絡分享,并不代表本站贊同其觀點和對其真實性負責,也不構成任何其他建議。本站部分作品是由網友自主投稿和發(fā)布、編輯整理上傳,對此類作品本站僅提供交流平臺,不為其版權負責。如果您發(fā)現網站上有侵犯您的知識產權的作品,請與我們取得聯系,我們會及時修改或刪除。電子郵箱:jiangyue2012@qq.com